Wednesday, February 11, 2015


This beauty is like family to me and she will be headed to Bolivia to serve a LDS mission!!  She is going to be an amazing missionary because she is already an amazing person!!  Taryn was a blast to work with and so willing to do whatever my assistant Cassie and I asked, even when we asked her to wink as a joke but I think she looks adorable in it!  Thanks Taryn for being you and good luck on your mission!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Lyndsay and Spencer

This lovely bride didn't want a December wedding because she didn't want the snow and well I must say she is the luckiest December bride ever!!  There was no snow and I didn't even have to wear a coat!  This was a such a fun wedding and I could not have done it with my substitute assistant Abby! Thank you Lyndsay and Spencer enjoy your happily ever after!